Use case: Physical and Digital Infrastructure (PDI) for a User-Centric, CCAM-enabled Traffic Management in Urban Corridors with High Priority Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs)
This use case highlights the benefits that CCAM can provide to society by managing the information provided by the vehicles to the infrastructure and how it can be a more efficient and user-centric control of urban traffic.
Data obtained from connected vehicles such as positions, speeds at several points of the route and delays enables the creation of new algorithms for traffic management based on Probe Vehicle Data, which allows for a new type of CCAM-enabled control of intersection and of the urban network that takes into account the needs of vulnerable road users and high priority vehicles.
Use case: Real-time responsive PDI for CCAM-enabled Traffic Management in the Mediterranean Cross-Border Corridor
This use case evaluates a new responsive PDI system to enable vehicles and road users to cooperate with the road authority/operator and implement real-time advanced traffic strategies to ensure safe and smooth traffic under mixed traffic conditions.
The impact of several traffic control strategies in daily commuting across borders and safety incidents across borders will be compared in real-time to decide on the most appropriate strategy. The responsible PDI will continuously adapt its local recommendations for vehicles and road users in specific sections on the road.
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