Use case: Trusted Cooperative Perception for Intersection Manoeuvre Assistance
This use case works on the deployment of a close to market-ready PDI that implements cooperative perception for CCAM services to demonstrate advanced cooperation strategies at the intersection level, based on the information provided by the PDI.
The use case will enhance the trust that Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) have in the information received from external sources. The data truthfulness will be based on the fusion of the information provided from multiple and heterogeneous sources.
Use case: Risk Management in a Highway Tunnel
This use case quantifies the risk level of a tunnel in order to adapt and advance the automation level of upcoming Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs), prevent accidents in tunnels and mitigate the risk for tunnel users should an accident occur. The risk assessment will be performed using sensors and the information coming from the vehicles with a full hybrid approach. The number of vehicles in the tunnel, their type and possible dangerous situations will be considered. The possibility to evaluate the exact position of the vehicles inside the tunnel will be exploited.