PoDIUM Project
PoDIUM – Accelerating the implementation of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility technology

PoDIUM will identify and assess the connectivity and cooperation enablers to reach higher levels of automation and advance important Physical and Digital Infrastructure (PDI) technologies, through a multi-connectivity approach and an interoperable and hybrid data management environment.






Living Labs


Define a rich set of demanding CCAM UCs to identify and assess connectivity and cooperation enablers and needs

Specify for each PoDIUM UC detailed requirements and technical performance metrics for availability and performance of connectivity and cooperation

Define methods to ensure the quality and trust of the integrated external data
Advance key innovative technologies both in the physical digital part of the infrastructure
Define a flexible platform architecture following a “multi-connectivity approach”
Test, evaluate and demonstrate advanced CCAM UCs in well-equipped LLs to examine feasibility and sustainability concepts in real traffic conditions
Create new business models and market services
Promote the project developments to standardisation bodies and policy makers
Increase road safety mainly for VRUs and reduce automotive carbon footprint

Latest News

PoDIUM at the IEEE MFI 2024

PoDIUM at the IEEE MFI 2024

PoDIUM was recently showcased at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (MFI 2024) by our partner Ulm University. This annual event, held this year from 4 to 6...

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PoDIUM Project Connected Cars

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