On 19 and 20 April, PoDIUM partners met in Valencia for the first plenary meeting of the project. Over 30 representatives of the partner organisations attended this two-day meeting hosted by ETRA.
The meeting was the occasion for the PoDIUM partners to look back at the achievements of the first six months of the project. Since the launch of the project in October 2022, the project partners have been working hard to make PoDIUM a success and achieve the project’s vision of accelerating the implementation of CCAM technology. In the first six months, the joint effort and collaboration between the PoDIUM partners resulted in the successful and timely submission of nine deliverables and the completion of three milestones.
Work package leaders presented the latest progress and achievements to the consortium, and discussed the next steps for the upcoming months. Particular attention was given to the work carried out on the definition of the requirements and specifications of the PoDIUM platform architecture, and the description of the project’s five use cases. The project partner had the opportunity to discuss this more in-depth and work together during the WP3 workshop organised on the second day of the meeting.
The PoDIUM partners will meet again in Barcelona in July for the second plenary meeting of the project.
You can find below some photos of the plenary meeting in Valencia.