The Transport Research Arena (TRA) will take place in Dublin, Ireland, from Monday 15 to Thursday 18 of April. This important transport event in Europe covers all transport modes and all aspects of mobility, offering an important platform for researchers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders to discover the latest developments in the field and discuss how research and innovation contribute reshape the transport landscape.
PoDIUM is excited to be part of Special Session 4.4 “CCAM session on physical / digital Infrastructure” on Wednesday 17 April from 09:45 to 11:00, together with the AUGMENTED CCAM project, where we will delve into the evolving landscape of Physical, Digital, and Communication Infrastructure (PDI) to support Cooperative Connected Automated Mobility (CCAM). Lazaros Gkatzikis, PoDIUM Project Coordinator, will represent PoDIUM, focusing on “Multi-connectivity as a technology enabler of advanced CCAM Services”.
The session will feature insights from experts, highlighting the classification of PDI support for CCAM and the key role of digital and communication infrastructure, focusing on multi-connectivity, ranging from cellular to short-range ITS-G5, the concept of Digital Twins, the enichment of the CAVs (Connected and Automated Vehicles) ODD (Operational Design Domain). The session aim to present concrete application solutions currently under evaluation and demonstration in real traffic conditions. The sessions will also address the remaining gaps in achieving cost-effective and seamless infrastructure support for CCAM on a Pan-European scale, and will explore data exchange models and collaborative mechanisms on technological, operational and governance layers that need to be established.
Join us at TRA and contribute to the conversation!
Find out more about TRA on the official website.